So yeah it was super cold here these last few days, compared to what it has been. But it's warming back up. It was just a cold front I guess. But yeah turns out Elder Biggs se fue, he left and now I have a new companion. Kinda sucks. Made me sad cause Elder Biggs is a really good friend now.
So the investigators are very tough here. They havent had an investigator in church since the last baptism like 6 months ago. We are working hard but the people don't like to do more than they need to. But we will get it.
Ha I'm gonna be terrible at ball when I get back. I'll always be able to dribble but the area I'm in we are 2 hours aways from the rest of our zone so we don't ever play them and it's tough. So I'll prolly not get to play much soccer or ball in this area and I'll prolly be here for 6 months. So yeah long time without basketball ha and Steve Nash would be a good coach I think.
Ha Devin is a goon but good thing he is keeping his head right and thinking mission haha.
We go and get our hair cut around town. Last time I think they did ight. It wasn't like mom's but it was good enough. I don't have as much style on the mission haha.
Hey you could have mom but some stuff from this message and add to her blog cause i forgot to add the little things. Oh and let me know how devs christmas present goes.
Love you dad!
Elder Lindsay
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