Tuesday, July 28, 2015

July 28, 2015

So this last week was crazy.  Tuesday we had to go to Cordoba for legal work for Elder Tabares and then that night we went back and stayed the night in Dean Funes so I could do intercambios with the elders there. Then that night I had an interview with a little 9 year old named Julieta.  She got baptized last week. She was pretty cool.  She knew everything at 9 and yeah, I was eating dirt at 9 I think, so it was cool. Wednesday we traveled back to Cruz Del Eje and worked in the area.   We are passing by a lot of members cause we are in a small branch so we are reactivating more than anything now, but also have a couple of the less active member's family that aren't baptized. We are teaching them so maybe we will have a few there. Yesterday I had to go to Cordoba again for a meeting and we got back at around 1 this morning. Got your package and one from Shonia, One blessed elder I am.

Sounds like the longhorn days were chill this year. Ha missed it but I also didn't really realize it was going on so it's all good.

Tell the Grandma Thanks, It's nice to have grandmas.   I have the pics from the great great great grandparents with me and everyone is like, wow, I don't even know my grandparents. Nice to have a close family for sure. 

Well I come home in less than a year now, haha.  It's super crazy how fast it goes but it's going. Trying to do all the good I can and hope it changes at least one life. Just knowing that we are the only church that works under the Keys and revelation of God has so much power to touch lives.  After a while you realize how important free agency is.

 But hey love you guys and have a safe week. 

Elder Lindsay 
Got the new camera

A normal picture please. lol
Better. lol
Again with the face. UGH

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