Dear Mother and family and whoever else that reads this.
In reply.
So that's crazy you are friends with President. You prolly have more
contact with him than me but hey that's cool. He is a cool guy. Fun to talk with
in the English that he learned and he has a thick accent so that's fun. Yeah I keep track
of how many days I've been out. Today is like 75 or 76 I think. But I'm not
trunky, That's what they call people that are ready to go home. I'm here for
the long run so don't think me keeping the date is bad. It's just cool to
Devin Devin Devin............. You should prolly get your work in when it's
due. No one is gunna hire an employee that waits till the due date to turn stuff in. Teachers will be a lot easier and willing to give you an A if you just turn it in
and they don't have to grade late work... Easier to brown nose is what I'm sayin
Still no packages. They say it's like 4 months mom! But I haven't gotten any
mail like letters or anything so yeah. There could be stuff at the mission home
that we have to wait till the zone meetings to get. Which the next one will be
like the 15 of November. They're usually at the beginning of the transfers but not
this one. So I'll let you know if I get anything then.
Oh I also bought a jersey so that's why I don't have any money... It's nice
mom and I'm a sucker for cualidad (quality),
Suits fit fine. I was smiling weird in that pic and it made my cheeks
look fatter than they are. I'm really not that swollen. Nothing is too tight. This nice work out plan will keep me lean. Even if I ate a tub of ice cream
today.... That killed my stomach haha bad idea but we have 2 more haha.
Well mission is going good I guess. It's still a bit nerve racking to talk
to people in Spanish. Just cause I freak out when they talk to me. When they
talk to other people I can understand them fairly good I think but then they
talk to me and it goes right over my head. But it's good. I like it. Struggles are
good for me right now. I learn more I think.
We have a bunch of people we are talking to but none came to church so that
sucked. Elder Biggs said it's always been like that so I guess we will just keep
working on them. The Lord can definitely soften there hearts though. I wouldn't mind
that at all. But no the mission makes you realize a lot of things for sure. Cool
to have a better understanding of what life is really about. Well hey hope all
is well with the family, let me know if anything new happens. I'll send some
pictures now.
Elder Lindsay 10
Hanging with members. I'm pretty sure this
picture needs enlarged and on my wall! Love it.
Elder Lindsay and Elder Biggs
Elder Lindsay making friends. :)
Touring a Museum on Pday
The work out plan is working. He is determined to not
come home chubby. LOL We'll see about that.
Hanging out with members
The pench owner's dog. His name is Oso (bear) and they let him in all the time.
Elder Lindsay on Pday
Elder Lindsay and Elder Biggs with their Zone Leaders
Back in the day they had a bomb factory and one day some went off and blew up
some of Rio Tercero. It killed 7 people and this is one of the bombs they found
Our District